Time changes things. It distorts our memories, like a liquid working its way through a pot, pulling elements to create something new. And this is what brings delight.

The passing of time allows us to notice changes in others. When we notice a new learning, a new skill, physical growth, a new interest or hobby. We delight in the realization that what we are seeing is different from what we recall.

It can also bring sadness, as we reflect on the loss of capabilities, an altered appearance, the onset of frailty. Age doesn’t come quick, and it comes for us all. Age is the physical manifestation of time, and it distorts everything.

Almost everything.

We are born with unique gifts, needing to share them with the world. And age doesn’t change this need. We may find new ways to be seen, but this primal need doesn’t diminish.

When we see someone, we love them. We allow them to express their gifts.

my dad, Morteza

And I see you dad.

I see you.

Needing to be seen.

and I see you